How to - Create a Ticket for Customer Account-Related Issues in oneSupport


This How-To guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating a new ticket in oneSupport, for any issues relating to billing, contracts or agreements, or service inquiries.

Prerequisites and Requirements

To create a ticket in the oneSupport ticketing system, you will need:

  • An active oneDesktop or oneExchange service account

    • If you lack an account, you will have to contact our Support Line

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a Ticket for Customer Account-Related Issues in oneSupport

Sub-Step #



Sub-Step #




In a web browser, go to the oneSupport webpage (linked here).



Alternatively, you can visit, then click on ‘Support’, followed by ‘Submit Ticket’.



Enter your E-Mail and Password, then click ‘Login’.

These will be the same credentials you use to login to oneDesktop or oneExchange.


If you’ve forgotten your password, you’ll have to reset it in oCCP, or contact your admin to do so.



You’ll then have to enter the details for your ticket, and then click the ‘Save’ button, once filled out.


Request Type:

Account Management: For requests related to billing, contracts or agreements, or service inquiries, select this request type.


The subject line for the ticket, akin to an email’s subject, briefly describing your Account-related inquiry

Request Detail:

The specifics of the ticket, describing the your request or inquiry.

Carbon Copy (Cc:):

Enter the email addresses of anyone you’d like send a copy of, and include in the ticket, and then click the ‘Enable’ button after entering the address(es).



The changes documented above are specific to the NIRIX Shared Hosting Environment only.