How to - Set Up an Additional Profile in Outlook


This How-to guide is to provide a detailed step by step instruction for adding an additional profile for use in the desktop version of Outlook.

Step by Step Guide

Step 1.0 - Add a New Profile to Outlook

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Open the Control Panel by pressing the Windows key, and then searching for Control Panel, and selecting it.


In the Control Panel window, search for Mail in the top-right corner, then click on the option for Mail (32-bit).


A window called Mail Setup - Outlook will then appear. Click on Show Profiles…




In the following Mail window, click on Add…



Enter a suitable descriptive name for this profile.

In the example, we’ll enter John Doe - NIRIX as the new profile name, clicking OK when done.



Enter your name, email address, and password, and then click Next.

If prompted, enter your password again. You check on the box for Remember my credentials if you don’t want to enter your password each time. Once you are done, click Ok.




If you’ve entered your credentials correctly and didn’t get any errors, you’re all set!

Otherwise if you ran into issues at this point, verify you’re entering the correct credentials, and then reach out if you need a hand.



Now you can click Always use this profile and select the new profile from the drop down list. You can also leave it at Prompt for a profile to be used, which will let you select from the available profiles each time you open Outlook.

Click OK to finish.


The changes documented above are specific to the NIRIX Shared Hosting Environment only.