How to - Create an Email Alias for a User in oCCP

Created On06/13/2018


The purpose of this How-To guide is to provide a detailed step by step instruction on how to add an email alias for a specific user of a Customer organization in oCCP.

Customers on occasion request to have additional emails alias' so that they can be reached easily

Pre-Requisite and Requirements

To successfully complete this action you will need the following:

  • Access to oCCP (oneCloudControlPanel)
  • Administrator level credentials in oCCP

Step-by-Step Guide




1.1Go to and login with your account

1.2Click All Users


Locate desired user, click the green arrow


Click Edit User 


Click the green arrow next to Email Addresses

1.6Click Add

1.7Enter desired alias, choose whether to make primary (optional), click Update 

1.6Click Provision 

1.7The user will load 

1.8Once the Status circle is green, the change has been made.

The changes documented above are specific to the NIRIX Shared Hosting Environment only.