How to - Provision Services to Users in oCCP

How to - Provision Services to Users in oCCP


When users are first created, they do not have any services assigned. Users may also have services added over time. This guide will show how to add (provision) services to customers.

Scope of This How To Article

This guide will cover provisioning oneDesktop and oneExchange services to a user.

Prerequisites and Requirements

A user must already be created in oCCP. The Client Administrator must have admin access to oCCP. Regular users cannot request these changes as they could affect security or incur extra charges.

Step-by-Step Guide

If you have just created a user, and are on the provision services step (below), proceed to step 2.1

Get to the Services Screen

Sub-Step #



Sub-Step #




Go to https://cp.poweredbynirix.com and login with your account.


Click on Users from blue navbar at the top.


Find the user we will be adding services to. In this example, we will add some services to John P. Smith's account.

Find the user in the user list, and click on their entry. This will bring up the Users Functions menu.

Click Services.


You will see the services that the customer is eligible for. If they do not have them currently provisioned, they will show up as grey under status. If they are assigned, they will be green.

How to Provision oneExchange for a User

Choosing the correct plan is important, as the wrong plan can incur extra charges. If you are unsure of the plan to choose, reach out to the CustomerCare team.

Sub-Step #



Sub-Step #




Click on oneExchange to display the User Service Setup screen. Depending on the customer, there will be different User Plans, and you will have to select the correct one.

If the user will be a oneDesktop user, choose a plan that says with Full Desktop. If they will only have a mailbox, and no oneDesktop, choose a Mailbox Only plan.

Choose the smallest mailbox size for the plan (25 GB, usually), unless you are importing a mailbox during a migration that is larger than 25 GB.

For this example, our user will be using oneDesktop. I have chosen SP4-25GB with FULL DESKTOP.

Once you have selected the plan, click Provision. The plan will start to build.


Once it has completed provisioning, it should show up as green. They can now use their email.

How to Provision oneDesktop for a User

If the customer only needed the oneExchange (email), do not complete this step.

Sub-Step #



Sub-Step #




Click on the oneDesktop (Citrix) service. This will bring up the options for the oneDesktop service.

There can be a few different options/plans for oneDesktop;

  • ‘Full Citrix Desktop’

  • ‘Full RDS TS-##’

  • ‘Full RDS WKS-##’

This will let the user login to oneDesktop; without one of the above options selected, they will not be able to login without one of the options selected.

Different companies will have this named differently, or some will have multiple servers. If you unsure which one to choose, check in with the CustomerCare Team and call in.

The customer also may have requested other applications. Make sure to only select the ones the customer requested.



For this example, you will choose your organization’s corresponding oneDesktop option, such as either ‘Full Citrix Desktop’, ‘Full RDS TS-##’, or ‘Full RDS WKS-##’, so choose the corresponding oneDesktop option. If you’re unsure which to choose, check in with the CustomerCare Team and call in.

We’ll also choose Office 2010 Std. Ed. and QuickBooks Premier 2015, but simply select the options you want the user to have access to.

Once you have selected the options, click Provision.



Now both services are provisioned!

The changes documented above are specific to the NIRIX Shared Hosting Environment only.

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